Master Index of Tube Photos


Click on the designation to view the tube.       Total types listed - 655



012A Arcturus
071 Arcturus
071A Arcturus
071H Arcturus
099 (UV) Arcturus
099 (UX) Arcturus
101A Arcturus
101-A West Elect
101-B (early) West Elect
101-B West Elect
101-D West Elect
101-F West Elect
102-A Exp West Elect
102-A (early) West Elect
102-A West Elect
102-D West Elect
102-E West Elect
102-F West Elect
102-G West Elect
104-A West Elect
104-D West Elect
104-H West Elect
122 (UX) Arcturus
122 (UY) Arcturus
124 Arcturus
124 (Crosley) Arcturus/Crosley
126 Arcturus
126H Arcturus
127 Arcturus
127 (Crosley) Arcturus/Crosley
127A Arcturus
130 Arcturus
131 Arcturus
132 Arcturus
133 Arcturus
134 Arcturus
136 Arcturus
136A Arcturus
137A Arcturus
138 Arcturus
138A Arcturus
139A Arcturus
14 Philco
145 Arcturus
150 Arcturus
171 Supertron
180 Arcturus
180 Arcturus/Crosley
181 Arcturus
199 (exp) Gen Electric
199 (isolated) Gen Electric
199 (no plate) Gen Electric
199 (T10) Gen Electric
199 (WD11) Gen Electric
2 Philco
200 Bigler
2HF Loewe
2LO Radio Record
201A CeCo
201-A Concert Master
201-A Magnavox
201-A West Elect
203-A West Elect
203-B West Elect
203-D West Elect
205-B West Elect
205-D (early) West Elect
205-D West Elect
205-D DeForest
205-D unflashed West Elect
205-E West Elect
208-A West Elect
209-A West Elect
210-A West Elect
210 RC Cossor
211-A West Elect
211-D West Elect
211-E West Elect
212-A West Elect
212-D West Elect
212-E West Elect
214-E West Elect
215-A West Elect
215 P Cossor
216-A (early) West Elect
216-A West Elect
216-A (late) West Elect
217-A (exp) West Elect
217-A West Elect
219-D West Elect
221 Westinghouse/RCA
221-A West Elect
221-D West Elect
222-A West Elect
223-A West Elect
226 McCullough
228-A West Elect
230-D West Elect
231-D West Elect
235-D West Elect
239-A West Elect
242-A West Elect
244-A West Elect
244-A (mesh) West Elect
245-A West Elect
246-A West Elect
247-A West Elect
249-B West Elect
251-A West Elect
2.5V (Myers) Myers
253-A West Elect
256-A West Elect
257-A West Elect
258-B West Elect
259-A West Elect
261-A West Elect
262-B West Elect
264-A West Elect
264-B West Elect
264-C West Elect
267-B West Elect
269-A West Elect
27 Arcturus
271-A West Elect
275-A West Elect
276-A West Elect
277-A West Elect
279-A West Elect
280-A West Elect
289415 Westinghouse
29 Sylvania
291 Speed
293 Speed
295 Speed
2950 WLS
2951 WLS
2968 WLS
2976 WLS
2977 WLS
3NF Loewe
3NFW Loewe
3 Volt A-P Labs
3 Volt (large) A-P Labs
3 Volt (large-brass) A-P Labs
3000 X1-A Erla
303X Philips
306X Philips
39-44 Arcturus
4.0V (Myers) Myers
400 mil QRS
400 McCullough
401 Kellogg
401 McCullough
401 Philmore
401 National Union
401A DeForest
402 Kellogg
403 Kellogg
410 DeForest
410 LFT Louden
412A DeForest
42 Arcturus
422 DeForest
422A DeForest
424 DeForest
424A DeForest
424/C229 DeForest
426 DeForest
427 DeForest
430 DeForest
431 DeForest
432 DeForest
445 DeForest
447 DeForest
450 DeForest
451 DeForest
46 Arcturus
4600 WLS
4602 WLS
4611 WLS
4621 WLS
4630 WLS
4631 WLS
464 DeForest
471A DeForest
471B DeForest
480 DeForest
481 DeForest
484 Arcturus/Sparton
485 Sparton
486 Sparton
499 DeForest
5V-A Van Horne
5-VC Van Horne
5Z3 Arcturus
55 Arcturus
551 Arcturus
551 (Crosley) Arcturus/Crosley
56 Arcturus
57 Arcturus
58 Arcturus
59 Arcturus
6 Philco
6/100 Métal
60 mil QRS
607 Atwater Kent
686 Arcturus
686 Sparton
82 Arcturus
83 Arcturus
84 Arcturus
85 Arcturus
85 mil Magnavox
85 mil QRS
89 Arcturus
99/01A (exp) Gen Electric
A (UV) CeCo
A (UX) CeCo
A Donle
A Magnavox
A (bakelite) Magnavox
A Moorhead
A (Spherical) Moorhead
A Music Master
A Raytheon
A Siemens&Halske
A Telefunken
A Volutron
A West Elect
A14 Kremenezky
A306 Philips
A306 (UV) Philips
Aa Siemens&Halske
AC Green Spot Cosmos
AC Croydon
AC (UV-213) Gen Electric
AC Magnatron
AC Soverign
AC Wireless
AC-226 Schickerling
AC22 Arcturus
AC26 Arcturus
AC28 Arcturus
AC28(C) Arcturus
AC30 Arcturus
AC32 Arcturus
AC-373 Cardon
AC40 Arcturus
AC48 Arcturus
AC-608 Marathon
AC-608A Marathon
AC-608R Marathon
AC Pentode (P1) CeCo
AC triode Radio Products
AF Arcturus
Amplifier Ken-Rad
Amplifier Le Radion
AR Ediswan
AR06 Ediswan
AR06 (HF) Ediswan
ARDE Ediswan
ARS6 Cossor
AT26 Ediswan
AT30 Westinghouse
AT40 Cossor
AT50 Cossor
AT50 Marconi
Audion (DPDG-1918) DeForest
Audion (SPSG) DeForest
B CeCo
B Moorhead
B (Spherical) Moorhead
B (British) Moorhead
B (Shaw) Moorhead
B Raytheon
B443 Philips
B6 Donle
BA Raytheon
BA (bakelite) Raytheon
BE Siemens&Halske
BH Raytheon
BH (bakelite) Raytheon
Bigrille Oscillatrice Fotos
BO Siemens&Halske
BR Raytheon
C CeCo
C Donle
C Marconi-Round
C Moorhead
C Osram
C-181 Sparton
C-182 Sparton
C-182B Sparton
C-183 Sparton
C-401 Sparton
C-484 Cardon
C-585 (mesh plate) Sparton
C-585 (solid plate) Sparton
C-586 Sparton
CA Gen Electric
CF-187 DeForest
CF-2160 DeForest
CF-501 Armor
CF-512 Armor
CG-886 Gen Electric
CG-890 Gen Electric
CG-1144 Gen Electric
CG-1162 Gen Electric
CG-1787 Gen Electric
CG-1984 Gen Electric
Clark George C. Clark
Conrad Tube Conrad
CT-199 Cleartron
CTX-200A Cleartron
CTX 201-RF Cleartron
CW-186 West Elect
CW-931 West Elect
CW-933 West Elect
CW-1344 West Elect
CW-1819B West Elect
D Ceco
D West Elect
D-01A DeForest
D1 Philips
D21 Donle
D-401A DeForest
D-402 DeForest
D-416B DeForest
D-427 DeForest
D-86326 West Elect
D-86327 West Elect
D-86737 West Elect
DA2 Donle
DA4 Donle
DE-1 Arcturus/Sonora
DE2 Marconi
DE3 Marconi
DE4 Marconi
DE5 Marconi
DE5b Marconi
DE6 Marconi
DE11 Cosmos
DEQ Marconi
DER Marconi
Detector (early) Audiotron
Detector Audiotron
Detector Le Radion
Detector QRS
Detector Sparton
Detector Star
Det/Amp Brightson
Det/Amp (99 style) Brightson
Det/Amp QRS
Detecto-Amplifier Tigerman
DEV Marconi
DEVC Marconi
DFA1 Mullard
Diode Electrad
DKP Frelat
DL-2 (bakelite) DeForest
DL-2 (isolantite) DeForest
DL-3 DeForest
DL-4 DeForest
DL-5 (bakelite) DeForest
DL-5 (isolantite) DeForest
DL-7 (bakelite) DeForest
DL-7 (isolantite) DeForest
DL-7 (large) DeForest
DL-14 DeForest
DL-15 DeForest
DP71 Donle
DR DeForest
Drycell Murdon
DV-1 DeForest
DV-2 (nickel) DeForest
DV-2 (isolantite) DeForest
DV-2 (bakelite) DeForest
DV-2 (iso-late) DeForest
DV-3 (bakelite) DeForest
DV-3 (isolantite) DeForest
DV-3A DeForest
DV-5 DeForest
DV-6 DeForest
DV-6 early/Type 20? Moorhead
DV-6A DeForest
DV-7 DeForest
DV-9 DeForest
DVI Philips
DX235 Northern Electric
E Ceco
E Philips
ER 1916 Moorhead
ER 1917 Moorhead
ER 1917 (Candelabra) Moorhead
ER 1917 (Single Fil) Moorhead
ER 1920 Moorhead
ER (Based) Moorhead
ER (Based - 4.5 turn grid) Moorhead
ER (Based - early) Moorhead
EVE 173 Telefunken
EVN 171 Telefunken
Experimental #1 Westinghouse
Experimental #2 Westinghouse
Experimental #3 Westinghouse
Experimental #4 Westinghouse
Ext Grid Moorhead
Ext Grid (Thin Plate) Moorhead
Ext Grid Power Moorhead
F CeCo
F-12A CeCo
G CeCo
GA Arcturus
Glz40/1.5 Siemens&Halske
GX-201A Airline
H CeCo
H DeForest
Heliodyn IV Blaupunkt
HF Cossor
HR DeForest
Ideezet Philips
J-171 Connecticut
J-71 CeCo
J-71-A CeCo
K CeCo
K West Elect
KC1 Valvo
L-10 CeCo
L-45 CeCo
L-50 CeCo
LA Raytheon
LF Mullard
LS6A Osram
M-26 CeCo
Microreseaux Fotos
Midget Delta
MS18 Ostar
MU-20 Daven
MU-6 Daven
MU-X 30 Sonatron
Multivalve Emerson
n Schott&Gen
N-27 CeCo
ORA Mullard
O-T-1-A O&T Electric
O-T-3 O&T Electric
O-T-4 O&T Electric
P General Elect
P1 Cossor
P2 Cossor
P215 Marconi
P3 Cossor
PM2DX Mullard
PO DeForest
Power O&T Electric
Power QRS
Power exp Gen Electric
P.S. 12 Schickerling
P.S. 15 Schickerling
PT425 Lissen
PZ Arcturus
PZ Arcturus/Crosley
PZH Arcturus
Q Marconi
Q Philips
QX Marconi
R (British) Moorhead
R Osram
R type Radiorec
R Raytheon
R215A Northern Electric
R216A Northern Electric
R221D Northern Electric
R3 Radiotechnique
R30 Rogers
R5v Marconi
R655 Dario
R-80 CeCo
R-81 CeCo
RA-1 Arcturus/Sonora
RAC3 Radio Audion Compamy
Radio Bigril Radiotechnique
RE 084 Telefunken
RE 1 Telefunken
RE 11 Telefunken
RE 16 Telefunken
RE 26 Telefunken
RE 38 Telefunken
RE 58 Telefunken
RE 78 Telefunken
RE 78 (RTV) Telefunken
RE 79 Telefunken
RE 82 Telefunken
RE 83 Telefunken
RE 84 Telefunken
RE 88 Telefunken
RE 95 Telefunken
RE 97 Telefunken
Rectifier Epom
Rectifier Moorhead
Rectifier Supertheon
RF-22 CeCo
RS 31g Telefunken
RS 69g Telefunken
RV 70 Telefunken
RX-401 Gold Bond
S-11 Sodion
S-13 Sodion
S-14 Sodion
S100 (pear) Schickerling
S100 (tublr) Schickerling
S200 Schickerling
S-27 CeCo
S400 (brass) Schickerling
S400 (nickel) Schickerling
S500 (brass) Schickerling
S500 (nickel) Schickerling
S500 (pear) Schickerling
S600 Schickerling
S700 Schickerling
S900 Schickerling
S1100 Schickerling
S1600 Schickerling
S2500 Schickerling
S3000 Amrad
S4000 Amrad
S4000 Schickerling
S4000-1 Amrad
S5000 Amrad
S8100 Schickerling
S8100 (bakelite) Schickerling
SE 1444 Moorhead
Series "D" Moorhead
Series "D" (based) Moorhead
Singer DeForest
SO-1 Arcturus/Sonora
Solonoid A-P Labs
SP18 Red Spot Benjamin
SP55/B Cosmos
Special CeCo
Special Moorhead
"Special" McCullough
ST-22 Scott-Taggert
Super Power Majestic
SX100A Schickerling
SX200A Schickerling
SX500 Schickerling
SX700 Schickerling
SX1200 Schickerling
SX4000 Schickerling
SX8100 Schickerling
SY-171C Sylvania
T DeForest
tall plate Gen Electric
TB-1 Gen Electric
TC-201A Televocal
T.L. (4) Gen Electric
TM Fotos
TM Métal
Triangle Plate Schickerling
(triode) (unknown)
T Series Westinghouse
T Series (2) Westinghouse
TT Moorhead
TVT 11A Schickerling
TVT 11A (tublr) Schickerling
TVT 200 Schickerling
TVT 200 (tublr) Schickerling
Twin Apco
Two In One A-P Labs
Two In One (nickel) A-P Labs
Type 3 FourInOne
U206 b Helikonwerk
Unknown Lorenz
Unknown (triode) Unknown
UV-196 Westinghouse/RCA
UV-199 (proto) Gen Electric
UV-199 Gen Electric/RCA
UV-200 Gen Electric/RCA
UV-200 (large plate) Gen Electric/RCA
UV-201 Gen Electric/RCA
UV-201 (early) Westinghouse/RCA
UV-201 Westinghouse/RCA
UV-201 (shaw) Gen Electric/RCA
UV-201A Gen Electric/RCA
UV-201A Westinghouse/RCA
UV-202 Gen Electric/RCA
UV-203 Gen Electric/RCA
UV-204 (early) Gen Electric/RCA
UV-204 Gen Electric/RCA
UV-210 Gen Electric
UV-213 Gen Electric
UV-213 (bakelite) Gen Electric
UV-216 Gen Electric/RCA
UV-216 (gold) Gen Electric/RCA
UV-217 Gen Electric/RCA
UX121B Canadian Westinghouse
UX201B Canadian Westinghouse
UX201C Canadian Westinghouse
UX-225 Gen Electric
UX-225 (5 pin) Gen Electric
UX-288 Westinghouse
UX-852 Gen Electric/RCA
UX-867 Gen Electric/RCA
V24 Marconi
V.E. Heussen
Vierfach-Röhre Polytron
VT Moorhead
VT (dual) Moorhead
VT (tubular) Moorhead
VT-1 West Elect
VT-2 West Elect
VT-3 West Elect
VT No.3 G.E.C.
VT-4 West Elect
VT-5 West Elect
VT-11 Gen Electric
VT-12 Gen Electric
VT-13 Gen Electric
VT-14 (early) Gen Electric
VT-14 Gen Electric
VT-16 (early) Gen Electric
VT-16 Gen Electric
VT 21 DeForest
VT27 Valvo
VT 32 Moorhead
VT-147 TKD
W1 Cossor
W2 Cossor
WB-800 Westinghouse
WB-800 (2) Westinghouse
WD-11 (large plate) Westinghouse
WD-11 (early) Westinghouse
WD-11 Westinghouse/RCA
WD-12 Strong
WD-12 Westinghouse/RCA
WD-25 Canadian Westinghouse
Weagant Valve-1914 American Marconi
Weagant Valve-1915 American Marconi
Weagant Valve-1919 American Marconi
WR-21(A) Westinghouse
WR-21(D) Westinghouse
WT-501 Welsh
Wunderlich A (5 pin) Arcturus
Wunderlich A (6 pin) Arcturus
Wunderlich A Auto Arcturus
X-201A Unknown
Z50 Schickerling
Z80 Schickerling